Our hospital experience was incredible—couldn’t have asked for better treatment. After being in labor all day our doctor’s shift was scheduled to end at 6pm the evening I gave birth, but since I was 9 centimeters dilated she stuck around another 4 hours to see me through to delivery rather than pass me off to another physician. Then during our 2 days of postpartum stay we were treated to round the clock babysitters, room service for every meal, and nurses to answer all our baby-related questions. Part of me was reluctant to head home Friday evening, but I was also excited to introduce Emily to her new nursery. And what a perfect way to celebrate our 5th anniversary by bringing home our new baby girl!
Last but not least, the entire birthing experience was incredible because Matt was such an amazing coach/partner/cheerleader during all 24 hours of labor, supporting me every step of the way. Even as the nurse urged him to take a break and head to the cafeteria for some food & rest, he insisted on staying by my side through it all. He was consoling when I felt overwhelmed, reassuring when I doubted my strength, and comforting when I just needed some love.
On her 5th day here, I’m still in awe of how big Emily is and how well she’s doing. We’re quickly figuring out little routines and methods for changing, feeding, soothing, and waking her. Each day presents a new challenge, but luckily we’re gaining confidence all the time and so far have kept her pretty content :)