Sunday, June 3, 2012

2 Year Factoids & Funny Quotes

In honor of Emily's second birthday (which we celebrated in Michigan and will soon post about), here's a list of fun facts about Emily.

Emily started being afraid of raccoons, then monsters (but once she understood that Elmo is a monster, she's cool with it), then ghosts, especially pink ghosts (unless they are funny or happy), then crocodiles. We think that she's getting ghosts confused with shadows and we're explaing that she is in charge of moving the shadows.

Funny quote:
Emily (looking at Dad): Milk ready?
Dad: Let's go check... ok, the milk's ready. It's just right.
Emily: Not too hot, not too cold.

She likes to say "It's stuck" in a whiny voice. Twenty times a day

She's asserting her independence now with a lot of "Emmy do it" or "by self."

Her cereal of choice is Lucky Charms (real cool, Momma). She often asks for more Lucky Charms when the marshmellows are gone.

She likes to recruit anyone to chase her around the house by saying "Ima get you?" or "Get you, Daddy"

She can count from 1 to 13, then jumps to 16. She knows all of her colors.

She loves to grab your nose and pretend to eat it while giggling.

She loves to watch Lowly and Busytown on Netflix and knows the mystery song. She calls the Muppets puppets.

She loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Where's Thumbkin, ABC's, Ring Around the Rosey, Wheels on the Bus

Shes knows and can repeat most of Humpty Dumpty, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Hey Diddle Diddle.

She puts her hand over her mouth when she pretends to think about saying something and says "ummm."

She can say full sentences (sans the word "the").

She quickly learns to repeat what others say. When we were in Michigan, Grandma said "careful Grandpa" on our way home from the airport, and Emily proceeded to tell Grandpa "careful Grandpa" whenever we all got in the car for the rest of the trip.

She always says "ok" when she means yes. "Ah-kay"

She often will say "too" or even correct herself after saying "too" and say "also" instead (e.g. "Emmy sees white car too- also.")

Her favorite song is Train Is Coming.

After drinking milk, Daddy likes to show her the bottle and count the number of ounces she's drunk. Tonight, she said "Don't want to count ounces" after Daddy asked.

When she's angry, she says "No talking!"

She can name many / most animals and fish.

We still can't tell handedness. She's more agile with her left while eating but will color pages with her right.

She's scared by most animals when up close. She's scared by loud noises. She's not scared of dogs and in fact finds them funny.

At her two year birthday she didn't want anyone to sing and repeated "no happy birthday" when she thought that song may break out.

She used to fein extreme happy realization with an emphatic "ohh!"

She can jump and somersault unassisted.

She uses a fork and spoon with pretty good accuracy.

She prefers blackberries of all berries.

She does one nap a day for two hours and sleeps a solid 11 hours at night.

She loves to wear dresses and her Salt Water sandals. She hates getting dirty, and she hates fuzz and crumbs.

She loves to clean the floors with the swiffer. She's scared of the vaccum.

Her favorite toys are her wooden train set, duplo legos, books, coloring and stickers.

When you ask her to smile, she closes her eyes tight.

She likes to look for bugs (and tries to command them to move to certain spots).

That's all we can think of tonight. More to come, of course.

-M & A

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Engagement Party!


 The *happy* couple!!!
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