Thursday, April 19, 2012

Family Visits

Hi guys - it's me, Emily. Sorry it's been so long, Mama and Dada claim they're really busy these days getting ready for my little *sister* to arrive so I thought I'd help out and post some pics. There are lots to share. These are from Ga-ma and Ga-pa visits. We had SO much fun!
First came Ga-ma and Ga-pa P.
We went to the ZOO!
Like my feathers?
We celebrated Ga-ma's birthday and my 18 month birthday.
Then it was Valentine's Day and Mama made me a heart-shaped barrette to wear!
Guess what?! I'm back at the ZOO!
This time with Ga-pa G!
We played catch - and since I'm better at backwards throws Ga-pa got behind me.
While posing for pictures we got a little silly.
Actually, a lot silly.
Then Ga-pa and Ga-ma P came back!
We went to the Exploratorium Museum where I learned to play the drums.
Then I got a boo-boo on my knee.
And Ga-ma G came for a visit!
We decorated my legs with stars.
Back at the ZOO!
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Ga-ma did my hair like Abby from Sesame Street, see:

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Thanks for visiting everyone!!!
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Emily had a very fun Easter this year. There were decorations and matching sandals.

We went to church with Becky & Glenn (where we saw both Joe Montana and George Lucas), and then to their place for brunch and an egg hunt!  

Emily was pretty tired after such a fun morning, so we headed home for her nap. 

And when she woke up, she found some suspicious tracks...

Leading to more eggs!


And an Easter basket full of goodies. 

Including some necklaces :)
Happy Easter!
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