Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cooler Weather

Last week fall weather replaced our heat wave - a welcome change. We put Halloween decorations up weeks ago, so they finally feel appropriate. Because we put them up so early, Em keeps asking if it's Halloween yet. Poor thing hasn't grasped the difference between "next week," "next month," "next weekend," etc, so she keeps asking: "Is it Halloween... yeeeeeet???"

All this prep time's given her plenty of opportunity to contemplate her costume though. She's finally settled on being a bunny, I think. We've been practicing trick-or-treating too, which is a hoot. There's still a 99% chance she'll freeze like a deer in headlights when the moment comes to say it to a stranger. Pretty sure the promise of candy won't even prompt her to do it. We'll see...

And since stores are completely jumping the gun and decorating for Christmas already, she's learning a little about Santa Claus too. This has actually proven handy when asking her to be a "good girl" since we now reference the importance of pleasing Santa too. FYI: her only request for Santa so far is orange goggles :)


With crumby weather outside, we found lots of fun things to do indoors (perfect timing since Em's been working on potty training!! and we wanted to stick close to home). So we did puzzles. 

Then we tried on Em's new rain boots and raincoat. SO cute!

Next, it took a small miracle, but Em agreed to wear a shirt (and not a dress).
And she opted for her Star Wars shirt - which thrilled her Dad. 

Throughout all this, Charlie was content as a cucumber.

She even kept her cool when Em cuddled her with what I like to call "aggressive tenderness." 

Em has only the best intentions though.
And she's actually taken to calling Charlie her "best friend ever" which is ADORABLE!!

Rainy days are so much fun!
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