Had a successful first week alone as a family of 4. Up until last week we'd had guests every few days to help out, but Grammy and Grampy Peterson's departure left us on our own. Thankfully Emily was feeling much better, and Charlotte never came down with anything.
Here are a few things we did during this first week:
Mommy had her first outing alone
with both girls. And it was a HUGE success!! We grabbed brunch in the
neighborhood and then went to the library. Turns out Emily likes Amelia Bedelia
Enjoyed naptime...
...and playtime!
Charlotte had her first bath
Emily slept for the first time in
her big girl bed!!!
Charlotte took her first BART and
MUNI rides with Mumma to walk around downtown (just realized Em has yet to
ride either one...)
Visited the park |
Watched the first MI game and
cheered on our team
Em shared her toys with Charlie
Great success!!

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