Friday, October 1, 2010

the 4 month wrap up

Emily's 4 month check-up went well!

As usual we prepared a long list of questions, and Dr. Anne very patiently answered them all. We found out Emily's in the 70th percentile for both her length (24.25 inches) and weight (13lbs 6oz). We asked about her raspy voice and after noting her watery eyes and numerous spit-ups, Dr. Anne thinks the flare-up of all 3 was caused by a virus Emily caught. Apparently viruses can last 3+ weeks, and her raspy voice came last and was the only unusual sign we picked up on. Thankfully she's pretty much over it now, and her voice sounds much better. (We're still convinced she has a bit of reflux caused by Amy's diet, so Amy's going to keep monitoring what she eats and slowly introduce foods again to see how Emily reacts.) We also asked about introducing foods to Emily, and she said that since Em's at a healthy weight and content nursing we can wait until 6 months to start on rice cereal.

During the appt, Dr. Anne mentioned a few times that Emily has really good skin (yay!) and also noted her constant drooling. Apparently this is a pre-teething phenomenon--she didn't see any signs of teeth yet.

Since Emily's rolling has been causing her some trouble at night, we asked if it's ok to leave her on her tummy once she flips. Luckily, it's ok for her to be on her tummy if she gets herself there.

Finally, we mentioned that Emily hadn't started to "belly" laugh yet, which we thought would happen by 4 months. The doctor said we shouldn't worry, it'll come soon. Then she observed that Emily seems like a very cheerful baby, and said Emily's the happiest baby she'd seen all day :) That's our girl!

The appt ended with all 3 of us getting shots: Matt and Amy got flu vaccines and Emily got her series of immunizations. She was a trooper, but definitely felt the sting of the shots. We calmed her down pretty quickly, although she still had a miserable night afterwards. Despite giving her tylenol, she got up every 45-60 minutes all night long, just crying & crying. Consequently we didn't really get any sleep, and dragged ourselves around yesterday. Fortunately last night Em slept soundly from midnight to 5:30am, which felt amazing!

Earlier today we spent a few hours watching Matt and Lunar in their annual dodgeball tournament. They did well, and we saw Matt make some sweet plays :) With so much to look at Emily didn't nap while we were there, but crashed when we got home. Hope she has another good night of sleep tonight!
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