* Bath-time! Emily's always been a good sport about her baths. As long as we keep dribbling the warm water over her, she's one happy camper.
* Speaking of dribbling, Emily's mouth has become a constant faucet of raspberries and spit bubbles. Consequently, the shoulders of our shirts are forever drenched.
* Emily is regularly participating in involuntary "tummy time" --meaning we flip her over and make her root around on her belly for a few minutes. Depending on her mood she either loves this, tolerates it, or cries right off the bat. This is her on a good day.
* Emily's become an avid thumb sucker (yay!), giving our pinky fingers a much needed break. When trying to fall asleep, she often has her left thumb in her mouth and the other hand/arm swept across her eyes, presumably to block out the sun. (Although I wonder if it's more of a dramatic gesture. Is she destined to become an actress?)
* She had her first ride across the Golden Gate Bridge last week. Alas, she slept through it.
* No complaints about her night-time habits: Emily sleeps from around 9:30pm until 3 or 4am, wakes for a feeding, and then heads back to bed until 7 or 8am. We still have her in the Pack'n'Play in our bedroom--can't seem to leave her alone in her nursery just yet. Oh, I almost forgot: to celebrate her 3 month birthday Emily slept for 9 hours straight!! What a pleasant surprise.
* Emily went on several successful restaurant outings with me these past few weeks--and she was a dream on all but one occasion. Luckily Matt and I were together for that one, so we took turns walking her around the parking lot of Chili's. Ah, the joys of parenthood :)
* At a neighborhood garage sale and we came across an electronic baby swing in very good condition. Having no idea if Emily would love it or hate it, we talked the sellers into taking $20 for it. After loading it into our car, they were so glad it would be put to good use they only accepted $10. Hands down this was THE best $10 ever spent--Emily loves her new swing! She often naps for nearly 2 hours in it, and wakes up cooing like an angel. The only other time she got this kind of daytime rest was when lying on me. This swing has afforded me all kinds of freedoms--when she sleeps my hands are now my own again. So bless you, our neighbors on Folsom, for selling us a baby swing at a very reasonable price. Bless you, bless you, bless you.
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