I'm trying to get into the swing of posting again, and figured the holiday was a good time to jump back in.
The girls (especially Charlotte) had fun decorating valentines for their friends at school which we started weeks ago. And I had fun sewing their dresses the night before. Last minute as usual. Still wondering when they'll begin to protest wearing homemade creations... Emily did say that my dresses don't look like the ones from stores, but she assured me she was ok with that :)
These past few months we've seen a new, less girly, side to Em - she actually opted out of the red & gold heart fabric, in favor of the navy blue arrows. I was thrilled! Charlotte still went for the hearts. It was fun having them in different prints.
Friday morning I was in a rush finishing the dress straps and didn't have time for pics with both girls. This one's of Charlotte outside Polka Dot. If you look closely can see her purple heart nails. Emily's were red.
Funny story: Charlotte was having a tough time shaping her C's so we started making dots for her to connect. But then she started writing her C's with dots, instead of one fluid line. So for a few weeks all her papers from school came home with dotted C's. That's our Charlotte :)
Emily gave hearts & arrows bracelets to her buds, which I made with a little cutting assist from Matt. These were based on an old Pinterest pin that I've been wanting to try. I think it went over ok with her friends. At least Em was happy with them.
The day of the Valentine's celebration at school was a big day for Em: her group auditioned and got into the school's talent show AND she lost her first tooth!! (Photo evidence to come.)
And of course they donned their dresses again on the actual Valentine's day, so I could snap some pics!