These two. Boy do these girls love hanging out together. Which is amazing. (Actually, Charlotte just loves chasing Emily around, which Emily tolerates pretty well. I mean, how bad can it be having a tiny shadow bouncing after you all day long?!) Charlotte has
almost entirely given up pulling Em's hair. And while she 's still learning about sharing, she's getting better. And Emily is an angel. She is so patient and kind to Charlotte. She's the first to run over with a paci or toy when Charlie's sad. Or a song. Usually a song will do the trick and calm Charlotte right down. It's super sweet.
One of my favorite sounds these days is the shrieking I hear when getting home from work on the days Matt picks up the girls. I come in through our basement, so I immediately hear the pitter-patter of little feet running above me. And the nonstop giggles of those two girls. It just delights this Mama's heart.
Charlotte's still working on her words, but once she gets going, oh the secrets they will tell. I can already imagine it. They're going to be the best of pals. The
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