Last week Emily came down with the hand/foot/mouth virus. Again. Supposedly you only get it once, but apparently there's a rogue strain going around SF enabling kids to catch it a second time. Lucky Em. Fortunately this time around wasn't nearly as bad as last time, possibly because Em's so much better at communicating with us. Last fall we were at our wits' end trying to make her comfortable, but this time she asked for popsicles, requested medicine, and demanded goldfish. Trust me, we weren't complaining - we knew how to make her comfortable.
And we're pretty proud to say that no one else at daycare came down with it, which means we caught it quickly and kept her home appropriately. Now where did Em catch it? We have no idea. Perhaps the playground or swim class??
This week was MUCH better. She's still a little cranky around me, but that's probably because Mama gives out the most sympathy during an illness, as evidenced below. After a week with a sad girl, we're glad to have our Emily back!!