Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Universal Sigh

Today, Radiohead published a newspaper for no reason known to me. I suspect it was to correspond with their new album, The King of Limbs. In typical Radiohead fashion, all fans were very excited and it circulated around the web quite rapidly. I learned about it from Uncle Chris when he texted me to say that he got a Radiohead newspaper. I looked it up online and learned that two spots in SF would get papers at 1pm. My amazing wife and daughter passed up the opportunity to look at Pottery Barn rugs to wait in line and get a copy. For whatever reason, they asked people to get their photos taken when you got your copy. Their website shows hundreds and hundreds of photos of happy fans holding papers. Here's a screen capture of Amy and Emily on Radiohead's webpage! The link is below. Super cool. Thanks, Amy and Em!

The Universal Sigh

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Watering the floor

Here's our first YouTube video! Next time we'll feed her in the backyard.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

happy 10 months, Emily!

ooh! apple turnover!

Friday, March 25, 2011


When picking Emily up from daycare this evening, I learned that all day long she'd been crawling up to her playmates, getting within a few inches of their faces, and staring at them. Apparently this was off-putting to the other kids, but when they backed away Emily kept moving closer. Silly goose! 
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These are a few of Emily's *favorite* things:
  • Crawling and standing, as evidenced above.
  • Visiting the birdies (parakeets, I think) at a toy store on Cortland.
  • Splashing up a storm during bath time.
  • Picking mint from our herb garden.
  • Singing/humming softly to herself.
  • Noshing on puffed wheat and cheerios. 
  • Dogs. She is crazy about dogs. When she spies them in a book she lets out a really loud squeal. The same thing happens when she sees her stuffed dog from across the room. I'm pretty sure Matt's been coaching her.
Here's her squeal captured in a photo. (We held the dog next to the camera.)
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fun times with Grandpa G

Last month Grandpa G came out for a visit. We baked lasagna from scratch (delicious!), played Matt's childhood game Dungeon (so fun!), and slept in (just kidding!). Emily and Grandpa G also spent lots of quality time together:

Swinging in the backyard.
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Lounging on the floor.
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Drinking from a bottle cap.
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Watching the big kids play nintendo.
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During his visit, Grandpa also taught Em to play catch. This is after her first game. Look how happy she is!
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