We had a lot of holiday fun as Emily's 7 month birthday came around and I realized how much more we're learning about our little girl. Here's a list of new (or maybe not so new) fun facts about Em:
- Emily loves, absolutely LOVES oatmeal. (We really need to post a video of her downing it!) She can't gobble it up fast enough.
- The higher, the better. Em loves to be lifted high into the sky--and even enjoys riding on mama's shoulders from time to time.
- Hair's coming in, slowly but surely. The exact color is tbd.
- Emily is still an an outdoor gal. She loves going on walks, exploring the backyard, and hanging out on our deck. Daddy just bought her a swing to hang from a tree branch, which will combine her love of the outdoors and heights. Perfect match!
- Emily is still an amazing sleeper.