I'm finding it hard to believe that tomorrow it'll be 6 weeks since our baby girl arrived. In that short time she's grown so much and we've learned a lot about little Emily: she loves falling asleep on daddy's chest * she's completely content babbling to her owl mobile in the early morning hours before we're awake * her tendency to cry is almost always soothed when Matt's pinky finger is slipped into her mouth * she desperately wants to suck her thumb, but hasn't been able to find it * despite what all the experts say, she's not a fan of swaddling * she kicks out her left foot when she's both excited and upset * when mama's not available she feeds from the bottle like a champ * on weekend mornings she likes hanging out with us in "the big kids' bed" * and when not being held, her favorite spot to hang out is her changing table.
We're uncovering more secrets of our little peanut every day, and just hoping we catch on quickly enough to keep up with her!
(This photo is from Emily's 1 month birthday celebration a few weeks back.)