Monday, July 26, 2010

happy two months, Emily!

Mmm! Aunt Becky's lemon bars were a perfect two month birthday treat.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Aunt Steph's Visit

Aunt Stephanie paid us a visit last weekend, and we all had a great, relaxing time. Emily was delighted to meet her other Aunt!

Not only did we enjoy the farmer's market Saturday morning, but we made a tremendous grilled bbq chicken dinner complete with sweet potato / garlic / onion medley (not shown) and we finished it off with Aunt Becky's amazing strawberry shortcake (also not shown). Thanks for coming out, Steph, and congratulations on your engagement, Steph and Luke!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Good Times

Someone likes playing with Daddy...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Inevitable...

Well it happened. I've been expecting this since Emily was born, just hoping it would take a little longer. Last weekend Matt and I were changing Emily and as we finished up I said, "Dad, I'm going to take a shower. Cool?" And Matt said yep before I even realized what I'd done. I called him Dad. Not in the context of speaking for Emily (as in "Daddy can you hold me?" or Daddy, what should I wear today?") But I called him Dad, as in my dad. Oy vey.

The other "inevitable" is that Emily's slowly rubbing out the hair all across the back of her head. She's now constantly looking from side to side in her crib, as though she might miss some big event if she doesn't scan from left to right and back every 2 seconds. Silly girl!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

6 Weeks

I'm finding it hard to believe that tomorrow it'll be 6 weeks since our baby girl arrived. In that short time she's grown so much and we've learned a lot about little Emily: she loves falling asleep on daddy's chest * she's completely content babbling to her owl mobile in the early morning hours before we're awake * her tendency to cry is almost always soothed when Matt's pinky finger is slipped into her mouth * she desperately wants to suck her thumb, but hasn't been able to find it * despite what all the experts say, she's not a fan of swaddling * she kicks out her left foot when she's both excited and upset * when mama's not available she feeds from the bottle like a champ * on weekend mornings she likes hanging out with us in "the big kids' bed" * and when not being held, her favorite spot to hang out is her changing table.

We're uncovering more secrets of our little peanut every day, and just hoping we catch on quickly enough to keep up with her!

(This photo is from Emily's 1 month birthday celebration a few weeks back.)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

july 4

What better way to celebrate our independence from England, than with a sleeping baby on my stomach and a PS3 controller in my hands.
